Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010


Damn, what a game. I´m really happy about the fact that you totally get what you expect with this - took me quite a time to race through all the 21 blocks, charged emotions in every single second playing.
There´s not that much to say about a race game like this after all, but I´ve made up my mind and what came out is another Strawpinion for you.

First of all - it´s all about the crashes and graphics. I played a lot of various racing games on almost every console available and sure will remember this one for those two little words. I personally love crashes - seriously, it´s the whole point of watching F1 now and then, for example. I couldn´t care less for any rating and stuff .. so .. yeah, games like MotorStorm are pretty much made for me.

The "story" and objective is summarized in a few sentences. You´re in this desert called Monument Valley where the great tournament of MotorStorm takes place. You have to race through all the challenges and have to finish them in the, at least, second place to unlock new ones. (I always achieved first rank of course - just couldn´t leave it with all those dirty second places ...)

The big thing, which delivers 89 % of all the fun in this, is the fact that there are 7 classes of vehicles you can choose of (although you have to choose what they want you to drive very often, so just don´t get comfortable with just one class.) Those are: ATVs, bikes, trucks, rally cars, mud pluggers, buggies and racing trucks. They all have their advantages and disadvantages of course, since the very few tracks are full of different lanes and traps, but the most fun are the ATVs, while the rally cars are the fastest and the trucks are the strongest and the biggest pain in the ass. And I mean it, they sure have the power to fuck you up good - doesn´t matter what you drive.

As said, the biggest disappointment sure are the very few tracks. All in all, without downloads, there are 8 of them. Don´t get me wrong - the graphics and fun factor sure are great, but there could be more for the original prize of the game.
The tracks are stuffed with race-based obstacles and ramps, gaps, cliffs and other stuff. So you have to drive your vehicle very decent. If you come off track, you often get the for your vehicle inappropriate lane or just die. If that happens, you´ll get sent back to the race but lose a few seconds - which means losing the whole race in the later challenges. The length of the laps are well balanced, but the never ending Grand Canyon-look throughout the game could get a little odd.

The designs of the vehicles are as good as bad. Often provided by blazing colours, they sometimes get a little lame too. But that´s just my opinion.

As for the musical part, there are bands like Slipknot, Kings of Leon, Nirvana, QotSA and others represented. So the soundtrack is, just like the game, full with raw power. Totally the right choice - but maybe a little too repetetive. (The racing game SSX on Tour handled that pretty well, for example. But I get to that in another Strawpinion.)

The game was hard enough to hook me 1-2 days on one or two tracks, the rest was pretty accomplishable. Although I didn´t try to play online yet (too lazy for all those updates and downloads), I bet it is fun as hell. The smashing around, explosions, unfairness of the vehicle-classes and other stuff is awesome. And I knew it would be.

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, the little brother of this game, looks like a blast too - so I´ll give it a try for sure. And I heard there are more and more games coming out from this series - so count me in already.

Great game, try it if you love action and chaos in racing games!

7,5/10 points.

(Those trucks are after me again! Oh shi-- *BOOM*)

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